New Pets

4 Behaviors To Watch For In A New Puppy

4 Behaviors To Watch For In A New Puppy

4 Behaviors To Watch For In A New Puppy

Nothing beats the excitement of bringing a new puppy home for the first time. You fall in love with him as he explores his new environment on his unsteady tiny legs. Of course, puppies, like human newborns, require learning and development. Because they can’t easily express what they want or need, it’s critical to learn what kinds of characteristics to look for in a new puppy.

1. Gnawing

4 Behaviors To Watch For In A New Puppy

One of the most noticeable characteristics of your new dog is his eagerness to chew on anything and everything. Chewing is a technique for your puppy to relieve the pain associated with the eruption of new teeth, as well as to learn about all the new objects in his environment. A chewing puppy means money spent replacing your stuff, not to mention the possibility of big vet fees. Fortunately, with the correct tools, you can break the habit.

First, puppy-proof your home like you would a human infant. Get down on his level and see what you can locate that may be of interest to him. Tie up electrical cables and keep them out of his reach, store your shoes in closets or on a shelf, and keep jewelry, little children’s toys, and anything else that ends up on the floor out of reach of your dog.

Redirect his focus next. To help your puppy through the teething phase and to educate him not to chew on your stuff, provide him with plenty of chew toys. There’s something for every sort of dog, from basic toys like the JW Pet Puppy Teether Dog Toy. Just be sure to purchase something appropriate for his size. He won’t chew on it if it’s too large. A large puppy, on the other hand, should not have a little puppy’s toys since they are a choking threat.

2. Leaping

4 Behaviors To Watch For In A New Puppy

When you first bring your puppy home, his tiny hops upon you may be adorable, but it’s still something you should work on while he’s young. Jumping on people as your puppy develops can be bothersome and even hazardous if he grows to be a large dog. Begin educating your puppy not to jump on you the moment you bring him home. Teach him basic instructions like “sit,” “stay,” and “laid down.” Use positive reinforcement by rewarding him with his favorite dog goodies when he listens.

Puppies, like human children, do not always respond immediately to their orders. If your dog continues to jump on you after you’ve told him no or used one of the instructions listed above, try distracting him with a toy. Ignore him if he shows little interest in the toy and continues to leap. He will eventually understand that jumping does not bring him the attention he seeks.

3. Smelling

4 Behaviors To Watch For In A New Puppy

Dogs smell to learn about their environment, so it’s not uncommon to notice your canine sniffing new objects you bring into the house. It is crucial to remember, however, that dogs smell when they need to go to the toilet. If you don’t want your puppy to transform your carpets into their own restrooms, start potty training early and regularly.

Put a collar and harness on your puppy the day you bring him home. Take a strong leash and lead him to the location where he will use the restroom. Allow him to sniff around while giving him orders like “go pee” or “go potty.” Remember that your puppy will most likely not pick up on toilet training straight away. As a result, it’s critical to take him outdoors every couple of hours, as well as immediately after he wakes up, just before bed, and around 30 minutes after he eats.

You should ideally keep to an outdoor routine and avoid using training pads, which give your puppy the impression that he may use the potty inside and may confuse him. It is preferable to educate your puppy to sleep in his crate and to be crated while you are not around to supervise him. This not only keeps him safe, but it also aids in the prevention of messes throughout the toilet training phases.

4. Biting

4 Behaviors To Watch For In A New Puppy

Puppies are natural biters, which may appear charming at first but can lead to far greater difficulties as they grow and develop sharper teeth. If your puppy bites you to grab your attention or bites you while you’re playing, bite inhibition training is essential. This is especially true after your puppy reaches the age of 12 weeks. Aside from giving proper chew toys for your puppy, it is critical to prevent any violent play that may lead to your new dog attempting to bite your hands. If he does bite you, scare him by making a high-pitched “ouch” sound. Stop giving your dog attention if he continues to bite. Ignore him and go away till he concentrates on something else. This teaches him that biting results in rejection.

Remember that puppies, like human newborns, need time to understand their settings and acquire emotional regulation. Being a patient dog parent is the key to being a good dog parent. Furthermore, if you are having difficulty teaching your puppy on your own, don’t be hesitant to seek expert assistance. This results in a better and healthier life for both you and your dog.

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