
How To Feed a Picky Cat

How To Feed a Picky Cat

How To Feed a Picky Cat

Cats have their own rules and universe. That’s part of their allure, but it may also irritate people. This is especially true if your cat’s conduct is harmful to her health, like not eating.

Normally, cats are opportunistic feeders, meaning they eat whenever food is available. If your cat is refusing to eat, you need to figure out why.

When your cat isn’t eating, arrange an appointment with your veterinarian. Hunger is one of the earliest indicators of sickness in cats, so if your cat refuses to eat, she may be sick or in discomfort.

Helping A Picky Cat

After ruling out disease or injury as explanations of your cat’s unwillingness to eat, you may look into alternative possibilities. A cat may stop eating for numerous reasons: a change in habit, nervousness, dislike of food, or an issue with the food dish. Here are some suggestions to get your picky little kitty to eat.

1. Serve Protein

Unlike dogs, cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they must consume meat to thrive. Check the label to ensure your kitten receives enough protein.

2. Modify Gradually

Some vets advise switching cat chow every now and again. If you must adjust your kitty’s food, do it gradually. Give her tiny servings of both new and old foods. Be careful not to overfeed her, as cats may quickly acquire weight.

3. Reposition the Bowl

Do you want to have your breakfast close to the toilet? Doesn’t it seem unappetizing? Cats are quite picky about hygiene, so keep the feeding dish away from the litter box, preferably in a separate room.

Keep the food dish at a calm spot in the house. Eating in a busy environment might make cats uncomfortable and afraid.

Don’t feed many cats from the same bowl. Each should have a private dining place away from the other (s).

4. Use a New Bowl

Sometimes the issue isn’t the bowl’s position, but the food itself. Some cats are as particular about the bowl’s material as the contents. A plastic dish won’t do for these picky kitty; they want metal or porcelain.

5. Compare Wet and Dry

Unless you buy your cat’s food from a large manufacturer, there is no nutritional advantage to wet food over dry food. Others favor one over the other. If your kitten doesn’t like dry food, try moist, or combine the two.

6. Have Fun

Cats search for their food in nature, so making it more difficult for your fussy pet may help. There are interactive feeders that make your cat’s meal a game as she explores for her food like she would in the wild.

7. Improve the taste

Your cat may be refusing food because she dislikes it. You can enhance this by adding boiled eggs, chicken broth (without Monosodium Glutamate), or tuna water to her diet. Small amounts of cooked liver are okay.

8. Establish a Routine

Cats are routine creatures. Eating at the same time every day might help establish a pattern. She may settle down and show more interest if she realizes she can anticipate meals at certain times.

9. Limit Snacks

If you give your cat goodies all day, she may not be hungry for supper. Reduce your snacking between meals and never feed your cat table leftovers, which are unhealthy for her.

10. Monitor the Heat

Cats are sensitive to the temperature of their food. That doesn’t imply you have to do anything particular to warm or cold her food. It simply means that if your cat is used to eating at room temperature, don’t try to serve her cold food. If the meal is colder (or warmer) than she expected, she may refuse to consume it.

11. Consider Your Cat’s Emotions

Fear or anxiety causes some cats to stop eating. Moving to a new house can cause anxiety in cats. You should strive to get your pet’s previous habits back as quickly as possible, especially when it comes to feeding. Give your kitten a few days to adjust, but if she still isn’t eating, take her to the doctor for a checkup.

If your cat is startled while eating, she may not attempt it again. Keep your kitty’s dish away from any noisy equipment or HVAC registers.

It’s really worrying when your cat refuses to eat. With time and care, you can generally find and fix the issue, and your vet is always available.

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